National Drink Wine Day
Wine is the answer... what was the question again Antoinette?
Well my fellow Americans, what better way to take advantage of the new mattress you bought yesterday on President's Day, than breaking it in on National Drink Wine Day? Cheers, 🥂.
Nothing like a bottle of the grape to get you ready for bed with that special tucker in'er!😜🍾 You don't have to listen to me... but I'd advise that you listen to the Godfather and take it to the mattress. 🛏 Now where was I... oh yeah, 🍷. You might be wondering why you need to be reminded something so obvious like drink wine on a certain day... it's kind of like being told to breathe every day... just the natural course of events. But believe it or not there are those out there who often can't seem to do even the most basic, logical, sensical things and act against their best interests daily. We have lots of names for these people...dimwits, nutjobs, ratards, loonies, morons, socialists, communists, resistors, etc🤪🤡. Because of these people we actually have to point out the importance of drinking wine at least one day a year though everyday would be better. I'll give you some prime examples of some people that have missed out on their wine ration. A group of off their rocker protestors👻 interrupted a #BernieBros for #Berniefeels rally about his support for the dairy cows🐄!? Say what? Somebody has a problem with providing milk🍼 to babies? Moo! I mean boo! I don't know who's behind this lunacy but I don't see how PP and the pro choicers could get away with supporting that. "Let dairy die, " they shouted. Can you imagine being so far left of sane that you protest America's oldest non working communist's rally? Not only that, but they're upset that Ben of Ben and Jerry's is high up in his campaign (and he's not the only one🙈). Apparently, they've been currying favor with the #BernieBro types with free scoops of Half Baked🍨. Hmm, not sure the anti-dairy types thought this through. I mean I naturally presume these are non contributing basement dwelling, pale, vegetarian types so I'm wondering what's left to eat while they're wiling away the hours downstairs in their mom's "dank" basement. They can't order out for pizza🍕... cheese🧀 needs cows🐄. And it would take a lot of lactating almonds to provide the necessary milk for a bowl of Fruits and Nuts Muesli! No ice cream🍦, chocolate🍫, brownies etc. etc. Nothing, and since they aren't the types to be yelling, "Mom, the meatloaf. We want it now. The meatloaf," they'll have to yell "mom, the kale🥬. We want it now." I think that basement just got a whole lot danker🌬. There are two absolute truths... dairy makes your bones stronger🦴, and drinking wine🍷 makes you smarter🤓...if you imbibed you'd know things and Make America Great like George and Abe. Just ask Tyrion, he knows things. 🤔 And unlike Tyrion, these probable Darwin Award winners for Astoundingly Stupid Judgement are more prevalent than ever and besides not drinking milk, are certainly not drinking wine. They don't know anything. Just like the non wine and milk drinking misogynist and baby hating socialist billionaire from NYC who is trying to buy his way into the Democratic presidential candidacy with ads while never saying a coherent thought. The DNC is finding itself in a tough spot these days...asea in the wild blue yonder like the Titanic...caught between the bloviations of the non wine and milk drinking hammer and sickle crowd and an icy berg... a Bloomberg. Ahoy, full flank starboard before it's too late🗣! 🚢 Of course, Michael 'Ice'berg who is one of those people who are often wrong but never in doubt thinks he has the answers, and could do anything with a step stool🙊 including farming or raising dairy cows, because..."any dummy could" which of course makes him qualified.
There are plenty more examples of those that need to be reminded to drink wine so they'll know things. Take the lactose and vino intolerant hoaxing sons of Pinocchio🤥, J Smollett and A Schiff. These Darwin finalist have proven lying and hoaxing can get you on TV if you're the latter and off TV and possibly in jail if you're the former. These guys have never sipped from the nectar of the gods. Because if they had they would learn that 1) Don't write checks when perpetrating a felony on camera with poor stage managing,
and 2) Don't show your face publicly or speak publicly when everyone knows that both prove you to be a rat faced liar. Remember boys, in vino veritas! These guys could use some milk as well, they're pretty scrawny. 🥛💪Of course there are other examples including those who actually have partaken in the grape, but they whine😭 way more than they wine🍾. Indicative of this is the free fall of viewership over the last few years for the Oscars and the Grammys. Whatever the talents of the nominees and hosts may be in the fantasyland of Hollywood or wherever counts as music city these days, their pontificating and hypocritical virtue signaling whine has proved stultifying to the sane viewers📺. So while they may drink wine, they obviously aren't drinking enough. Probably a good idea to make it National Drink Wine Year...oh, and lay off the peyote!🚭 Just to be clear, wine has amazing beneficial effects on cognition🧠 and lessening the whine🤐. However, like all elixirs it's important to follow directions and drink in moderation. Those that don't, like Two Fisted Nancy🥂 can only speak in slurs! 🤔 So my advice to you my fellow American is to uncork a bottle of your favorite wine🍾, share with your neighbors, friends and foes, optimists and pessimists and bring amity and pleasantry to your surroundings🥰. If everyone does this... someone would go to jail because there's an age restriction and someone needs to drive, but not to worry...just obey the laws, ensuing amity will be shared by all, and the kids will be happy that you're happy. Afterall, they probably owe their being to a President's Day mattress sale and National Drink Wine Day anyway😉. So have a little party, invite your neighbors and maybe even David Lee Murphy will show up with some wine. Don't worry if there's a little Dust on the Bottle...
Well my fellow Americans, what better way to take advantage of the new mattress you bought yesterday on President's Day, than breaking it in on National Drink Wine Day? Cheers, 🥂.
Nothing like a bottle of the grape to get you ready for bed with that special tucker in'er!😜🍾 You don't have to listen to me... but I'd advise that you listen to the Godfather and take it to the mattress. 🛏 Now where was I... oh yeah, 🍷. You might be wondering why you need to be reminded something so obvious like drink wine on a certain day... it's kind of like being told to breathe every day... just the natural course of events. But believe it or not there are those out there who often can't seem to do even the most basic, logical, sensical things and act against their best interests daily. We have lots of names for these people...dimwits, nutjobs, ratards, loonies, morons, socialists, communists, resistors, etc🤪🤡. Because of these people we actually have to point out the importance of drinking wine at least one day a year though everyday would be better. I'll give you some prime examples of some people that have missed out on their wine ration. A group of off their rocker protestors👻 interrupted a #BernieBros for #Berniefeels rally about his support for the dairy cows🐄!? Say what? Somebody has a problem with providing milk🍼 to babies? Moo! I mean boo! I don't know who's behind this lunacy but I don't see how PP and the pro choicers could get away with supporting that. "Let dairy die, " they shouted. Can you imagine being so far left of sane that you protest America's oldest non working communist's rally? Not only that, but they're upset that Ben of Ben and Jerry's is high up in his campaign (and he's not the only one🙈). Apparently, they've been currying favor with the #BernieBro types with free scoops of Half Baked🍨. Hmm, not sure the anti-dairy types thought this through. I mean I naturally presume these are non contributing basement dwelling, pale, vegetarian types so I'm wondering what's left to eat while they're wiling away the hours downstairs in their mom's "dank" basement. They can't order out for pizza🍕... cheese🧀 needs cows🐄. And it would take a lot of lactating almonds to provide the necessary milk for a bowl of Fruits and Nuts Muesli! No ice cream🍦, chocolate🍫, brownies etc. etc. Nothing, and since they aren't the types to be yelling, "Mom, the meatloaf. We want it now. The meatloaf," they'll have to yell "mom, the kale🥬. We want it now." I think that basement just got a whole lot danker🌬. There are two absolute truths... dairy makes your bones stronger🦴, and drinking wine🍷 makes you smarter🤓...if you imbibed you'd know things and Make America Great like George and Abe. Just ask Tyrion, he knows things. 🤔 And unlike Tyrion, these probable Darwin Award winners for Astoundingly Stupid Judgement are more prevalent than ever and besides not drinking milk, are certainly not drinking wine. They don't know anything. Just like the non wine and milk drinking misogynist and baby hating socialist billionaire from NYC who is trying to buy his way into the Democratic presidential candidacy with ads while never saying a coherent thought. The DNC is finding itself in a tough spot these days...asea in the wild blue yonder like the Titanic...caught between the bloviations of the non wine and milk drinking hammer and sickle crowd and an icy berg... a Bloomberg. Ahoy, full flank starboard before it's too late🗣! 🚢 Of course, Michael 'Ice'berg who is one of those people who are often wrong but never in doubt thinks he has the answers, and could do anything with a step stool🙊 including farming or raising dairy cows, because..."any dummy could" which of course makes him qualified.
There are plenty more examples of those that need to be reminded to drink wine so they'll know things. Take the lactose and vino intolerant hoaxing sons of Pinocchio🤥, J Smollett and A Schiff. These Darwin finalist have proven lying and hoaxing can get you on TV if you're the latter and off TV and possibly in jail if you're the former. These guys have never sipped from the nectar of the gods. Because if they had they would learn that 1) Don't write checks when perpetrating a felony on camera with poor stage managing,
and 2) Don't show your face publicly or speak publicly when everyone knows that both prove you to be a rat faced liar. Remember boys, in vino veritas! These guys could use some milk as well, they're pretty scrawny. 🥛💪Of course there are other examples including those who actually have partaken in the grape, but they whine😭 way more than they wine🍾. Indicative of this is the free fall of viewership over the last few years for the Oscars and the Grammys. Whatever the talents of the nominees and hosts may be in the fantasyland of Hollywood or wherever counts as music city these days, their pontificating and hypocritical virtue signaling whine has proved stultifying to the sane viewers📺. So while they may drink wine, they obviously aren't drinking enough. Probably a good idea to make it National Drink Wine Year...oh, and lay off the peyote!🚭 Just to be clear, wine has amazing beneficial effects on cognition🧠 and lessening the whine🤐. However, like all elixirs it's important to follow directions and drink in moderation. Those that don't, like Two Fisted Nancy🥂 can only speak in slurs! 🤔 So my advice to you my fellow American is to uncork a bottle of your favorite wine🍾, share with your neighbors, friends and foes, optimists and pessimists and bring amity and pleasantry to your surroundings🥰. If everyone does this... someone would go to jail because there's an age restriction and someone needs to drive, but not to worry...just obey the laws, ensuing amity will be shared by all, and the kids will be happy that you're happy. Afterall, they probably owe their being to a President's Day mattress sale and National Drink Wine Day anyway😉. So have a little party, invite your neighbors and maybe even David Lee Murphy will show up with some wine. Don't worry if there's a little Dust on the Bottle...
Creole Williams lived down a dirt road
Made homemade wine like nobody I know
Dropped by one Friday night and said, "Can you help me, Creole?
Got a little girl waitin' on me and I want to treat her right"
Made homemade wine like nobody I know
Dropped by one Friday night and said, "Can you help me, Creole?
Got a little girl waitin' on me and I want to treat her right"
I got what you need son, it's sittin down in the cellar
He reached through the cobwebs as he turned on the light and said
He reached through the cobwebs as he turned on the light and said
There might be a little dust on the bottle
But don't let it fool ya about what's inside
There might be a little dust on the bottle
It's one of those things that gets sweeter with time
But don't let it fool ya about what's inside
There might be a little dust on the bottle
It's one of those things that gets sweeter with time
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