Socialism Sucks

Football was invented to ease the pain of summer ending and heading back to school Antoinette.

Well America it's that time of year again. Vacations are wrapping up and it's time for the adults to get back to work and the kiddies to get back to school.🙉 

Of course going back to work isn't nearly as fun as going back to school. 🤒While there is drudgery in both at least the latter provides a fresh start every year, new things to learn📓, football games on Friday night, 🏈cheerleaders📣 and another year closer to getting rid of your fake I.D. Here's a thought, maybe the work world would be more productive if we had cheerleaders at the office! "Mikey, Mikey he's our man... if he can't do it nobody can!" With that kind of support along with those inspiring cheerleader outfits everyone would be more productive. 🙈Yeah #metoo! Now of course heading back to school means it's time to get some learning done. I mean real learning not the indoctrination that is so prevalent now. The kind of learning that even a two strapper can manage. Things like Socialism Sucks...which it does and is also the name of a new book. The book has an expanded title as well which makes it especially important to young people on the cusp of entering adulthood: Two economists drink their way through the unfree world. To prove a point that not only does socialism suck the life out of a country, the money out of the economy and the brains out of anyone buying into it #feelthebern #fraudsquad et al, our intrepid professors drank their way through the unfree world proving it also sucks the flavor out of beer🤮. Now of course college students aren't famous for their taste in beer and will pretty much drink anything 🥳🤓🍺that is available and their allowance can afford. But in a capitalist country they will graduate👨‍🎓, get a job👩‍🔬, then start buying better beer from a selection of thousands🍻.

Now while socialism seemingly purports equality which is nice, it is really just supporting equality of outcome instead of opportunity. 🤔Equality of outcome leads to sameness, listlessness, lollygaggers, inefficiency, no variety, no imagination, dictatorship, genocide and in a very short time no money anywhere. Equality of opportunity leads to just the opposite. Take Venezuela for example🇻🇪. In 1950 they were the 4th richest country in the world💰. Today, though they still have the largest known oil supply🛢 in the world they can't even feed their people and what's worse... they've run out of their one and only beer!🙊😱😡 Rule # 1 to all aspiring socialist dictators... if you're going to suppress your people and ruin the economy you at least have to provide plenty of beer 🍺🍺🍺to ease the suffering and limit mass emigration.🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️ Even Cuba🇨🇺 has dos cervezas 🍻... bland but beer. Though it's hard to explain how a country that supposedly is so educated hasn't figured out how to build a new car in 60 years.🚗 And why aren't we modeling North Korea?🇰🇵 One would think all the green people would be celebrating Korean Lil Kim for his green policies... nobody leaves the lights on in North Korea... there aren't any.🔌 Perhaps it's because they don't want to see the worlds worst beer🤢. If you want to see how alcohol proves the superiority of capitalism over socialism just look to the former communist state of Georgia.🇬🇪 Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was just another depressed backwater region bordering the troubled Middle East. Now, by embracing capitalism full bore, they have become the world's new viticulture hotbed🍷. The area where many believe the first grapes 🍇originated, now boasts a booming wine export business as well as tourist destination for lovers of the grape🥂. Take that Stalin. More good news for you college students since we were on the subject of Georgia, and Georgia is in the S.E.C. What? Wrong Georgia? Don't worry they'll never know the difference... anyway the S.E.C along with other 🏈conferences are now permitted to sell beer at games in an effort to boost attendance. That's how it works people... supply and demand! Thank God we live in America where we not only have plenty of beer of every variety, as well as every other adult beverage🍸, we also have beer drinking occasions and there are none bigger than football season. Now go out and get some then win one for The Gipper👍... he knew why socialism sucks. Time to pop the top on a cold one and MAGA by watching football with my boy Hank Jr. Now Are You Ready for Some Football...

Are you ready
Are you ready
Are you ready, ready
Are you ready for some football?
A Monday night party
Hey, this is "Rocking" Randall Hank
Ready to get the good time started
We got the teams on the field
And we turned down the lights
All my rowdy friends are back for Monday nightNow everyone watches this prime time show
New York, Nashville, San Francisco
We love to watch the kickoff as the game begins
Pretty cheerleaders and las minute wins
The screaming crowd and the linebacker's stare
Scrambling quarterbacks and signals in the air
Big hits are coming, the 'backs are cutting inside
Everybody turns it up Monday night


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