Coup D'etat and a Happy Thanksgiving to You

And they ask me why I drink Antoinette, 

Well my fellow Americans, the time has come to embrace gridlock. A stalemate so to speak has taken over and that might be as much as we Americans can hope for at this point. Hopefully along with some peace, quiet and the never ending pour!๐Ÿพ๐Ÿท๐Ÿธ๐Ÿน๐Ÿบ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฅ‚ It's important to find something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving so let's start with that. That is as long as you did it in groups of 1-6. Sorry Aunt Betty and the others. We can also be thankful that for the 59th uninterrupted time in a row we had a presidential election without incident. Notice I didn't say controversy. And even though there is controversey we haven't ended up this  election cycle with this:

Hmm, I wonder why? ๐Ÿค” What we do have and will have despite any outstanding controversies is the peaceful transition or transfer of power. God bless the USA ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ. What controversy you ask cuz you've been masked and sheltering in a basement? Well we just had an election where the sitting president in one way or the other garnered all the votes for the first time since George Washington. Some 70 million people voted for the truculant child who at least believes in American exceptionalism, doesn't plan to sell out to the virus spreading Chicoms๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ณ...(you can distinguish them by their constant hacking, ๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜‰), the wannabe former Soviets, the insane Iranian mad bombers, crazy Lil NK Kim, or the ignorant, Marxist domestic terrorists like BLM, Antifa, MSM, and Hollyweird. Besides, what's good about no new wars, less bloat, taxes and regulation, lowest unemployment ever for minorities, a Supreme Court that doesn't think the Constitution is unconstitutional, booming stock market, energy independence and leading the world in carbon emissions reduction after pulling out of Paris Accords, peace deals in the Middle East, school choice, higher wages and the exposure of the MSM as not only the propaganda arm of an elitist establishment, but also as no longer the 4th estate... instead they are an undermining 5th column to American values... and you get the point...yada,yada,yada. Well I'll tell you who... it's another some 70 million who voted against the man in orange because "Orange man bad". And I get it... there's probably no one including his most ardent supporters who haven't at least once thought, "man, have a big cup of STFU."๐Ÿคซ But let's be honest now... nobody outside of his profiteering immediate family actually voted FOR the other guy. The shell of a man who though had accomplished nothing in a half century of "public service" at least used to be able to look the part. Now the only part he can play is a lapdog like an elected version of Charley Mccarthy and unfortunately the ones with their hand ✋ up his cerebellum posterior aren't anywhere near as worthy as Edgar Bergen. We certainly got more opinion than we wanted from 46, but at least he wasn't afraid to interact with the public. Poor 47(?) can only read pre written answers to questions received ahead of time and when the teleprompter goes out...well you know  “We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women created by the er, um, uh, you know, you know, the thing.” Unfortunately, the "Lamborghini of Gaffes" (WP) has lost his mind. Oh well. Btw, though the above totals of approximately 140 million votes do not take into account anyone who voted who is not currently alive, I did hear that Pope Francis is looking into the possible canonization of Sleepy Joe Biden for the resurrection of a million or so souls on election day⛪๐Ÿชฆ so there's something else to be thankful for ๐Ÿ™Œ. Unless of course you are one of those souls that was brought back to 2020 that is. Now I'm not here to spread conspiracy theories about possible voter fraud. I mean who wouldn't believe that "Let's put a lid on my day after my first cup of coffee and dose of Donepezil" was the greatest campaigner ever despite never actually campaigning?๐Ÿค” And it's entirely feasible that 10 plus million more people than ever before voted for such a compelling personality who clearly had his wits about him๐Ÿ˜ด. The fact that the computer program used by the Dominion Voting Machine is called Two for Me, One for You is not germane to the situation. What? Now the Germans ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช are interfering in our elections? Nein dummkoph, have a beer ๐Ÿบ and shh ๐Ÿคซ. Of course you should trust the integrity of the election. I mean what could go wrong with thousands of absentee prefilled/prepaid postage ballots? And just because some precincts had more votes than registered voters doesn't take into account the obvious fact that traditionally every 4 years on the first Tuesday following the first Monday of November hundreds of thousands of Americans decide to move, and being conscientious citizens take time out to register and vote that same day despite so much unpacking to do. The fact that they usually change their mind and move back to Chicago that same day is irrelevant. And don't look for bogeymen where they don't exist. Just because a bulk mail voting drop was 134,000 for one candidate and 0 for the other isn't necessarily long odds. Furthermore, just because the voting issues coincidentally happened in the 5 big cities in the 5 swing states controlled by the Party whose mascot is Eeyore (I know, I see it too... the resemblance is uncanny).

I mean it's perfectly understandable that all of the most populated states can call their election by 7:30 but states with more slot machines than people need a week or two. Or in those certain cities where they need to stop counting the vote (to give their pollsters nap time which is mandate number one from Biden... mandatory masked naptime๐Ÿ˜ท. If only I could sleep like Rumplestiltzken๐Ÿ˜ด) and resume once they know how many votes they need. Hmm. Look there are coincidences and anomalies in all elections, but there are 2 things to remember: 1) as Uncle Joe Stalin said, "I regard it as completely unimportant who...will vote and how, but it is extremely important who will count the votes and how." And 2)

Nevermind that 30% of blue voters think it likely the election was stolen... they obviously can't be trusted anyway. The point of all this is that unless you can find the smoking gun which does not include sworn affidavits from hundreds of witnesses including those who weren't allowed to witness... this is going to be a fait accompli. In their 3rd and final attempt, those big, brave, strong ๐Ÿ’ช looking men who verifiably vowed to take down Trump by hook or crook and weren't able to succeed during his administration look like they are going to at least keep him from having a second consecutive term of success.  You know the men I'm talking about... Comey, Mueller, Lisa Strozk, her boyfriend what's his name, Nadler, Schumer, Pelosi, HRC, Schiff for brains etc. Of course we shouldn't be worried about an overt coup attempt from the bogus Russia Hoax derived from a fictitious document and pursued by a deep state of unhappy 5th column elitist which they kept up for 3 years cuz how else could #ImWithHered have lost when the pollsters had her in a landslide? What? They messed up again, hmm. ๐Ÿค” And when that unraveled they got the bright idea to try to impeach Orange Man for the crimes of Quid Pro Quo Joe. Now of course, I'm a capitalist and a firm believer in making money and helping out your kids, buuutttt... well you see what I mean. Well being 0-2 and with 3 plus years to come up with another plan they opted on the dazzling white toothed puppet... nothing to see here. At least HRC could talk... it wouldn't be truthful๐Ÿคฅ but it was coherent. Have you ever stopped to think how hard it is to renew your driver's license...the effort in time, documentation and verification? But you can mail in your vote, or perhaps have your vote mailed in for you possibly even without you knowing... no verification! Is driving more important than voting?  I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that's probably not a good idea. Your vote only matters if it matters to you to actually go vote. And when you open Pandora's box ๐Ÿ“ฆ, it can just as likely work against you... just ask Harry Reid? If you ever went anywhere out of the house during this Wuhan Wham Bam then you can go to the polling booth. If you're ok with a dubious process just because it worked in your favor is the same as being ok with an umpire making a bad call just because it benefits you. Eventually it will go against you. What you should want is the right call to preserve the integrity of the institution. But all this aside, I wake up every day thankful to be an American, and doubtful as I am of the abilities and direction of the incoming administration I wish nothing but continued success... probably much like most Americans. I guess I can also be thankful Trump didn't win because our cities would still be burning this Thanksgiving. We can also be thankful that miraculously 3 potential covid vaccines were discovered just days after the election. That's probably just coincidence right? No way they knew that the week before right? Nah, that's just conspiratorial nonsense. ๐Ÿคฅ Remember America, it's the individual that matters. If history has shown us nothing else it's shown us the Monolith of big government, concentration of power, and elitist control over power and propaganda don't lead to a happy ending. And back me up on this guys, who doesn't like a happy ending? ๐Ÿ˜œ Well time to get in the holiday spirit so like Todd Snider suggested  it's time to go on a Beer Run....

Be -double E double are you-N-beer run
Be -double E double are you-N-beer run
All we need is a ten and five-er,
Car and key and a sober driver,
Be -double E double are you-N-beer run


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